Dynamic Information Controls
in a Hybrid World
| IST-2000-25134

The project "Ambient Agoras" aims at providing situated services, place-relevant information, and feeling of the place (genius loci) to the users, so that they feel at home in the office, by using information technology (IT) in an innovative way, e.g. mobile and embedded in the environment. "Ambient Agoras" adds a layer of information-based services to the place, enabling the user to communicate for help, guidance, work, or fun. It integrates information into architecture through smart artefacts, and will especially focus on providing the environment with memory, which will be accessible to users. The computer as a device will disappear, but the functionality will be available in a ubiquitous and invisible fashion. Finally, "Ambient Agoras" will augment reality by providing better "affordances " to existing places. It aims at turning every place into a social marketplace (= agora) of ideas and information where one can interact with people.




Fraunhofer IPSI
Dolivostr. 15
D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany.
Dr. Dr. Norbert Streitz
Tel: ++49(0)6151-869-919
Fax: ++49(0)6151-869-963

EDF: Electricité de France
Paris, France

Bad Münder, Germany

Additional Information:

The Disappearing Computer Initiative © 2002